
Many consider the mind the place where our thoughts, decisions and planning reside.  While this is true, there is also much more to the mind than that.  What about the intuitive, creative and perceptive parts of our mind? Or our unconscious mind where ruminating, worrying, story-telling and incomplete thoughts never go anywhere?  When we stop to bring awareness to these unconscious thoughts we have the opportunity to connect to the wider and deeper aspect of our inner wisdom and dreams.



Learn from the past.
Live in the Present.
Believe in the future.

Meditation allows us to connect the past, present and future into a more meaningful and peaceful life.  I believe that meditation is so much more than the classic photo of the cross-legged yogi with closed eyes.  Meditation is completely focusing on only one thing.  This one focus could be your breath while sitting still and it could also be taking your daily walk and fully feeling the motion of your body.  It could be conversing with a loved one with full attention and it could be noticing what kind of thoughts you typically have.  Because the list is endless, I have created a class that explores and revisits various styles and methods of meditation.  This allows you to practice and expand your vision of meditation and move in your everyday world in a more mindful way.  

Join me.

Monday Meditation via Zoom

Monday, March 1st from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm (MDT)

A Zoom link is sent the Sunday before class.
Click below to be put on the link list.

View pricing here.

Venmo Tracy-Patch