An Introduction

March 14, 2020

I woke up this morning with something on my mind...the coronavirus !  I have to imagine that this was the case for most of us.  I’m sure most of us feel some degree of powerlessness and wish there were something we could do.  There is.  Now, more than ever,  in our time on this Earth we can use our yoga, meditation, anti-anxiety and spiritual tools to traverse this unprecedented situation in our global world and take back some of that lost control.

From this came my idea for Tracy’s Dailyish Calm.  My goal is for all of us to stay in balance between being vigilant**, and informed vs. living in fear and panic. Science tells us that anxiety and fear decreases our immune system’s capability.   So anything we can do to calm our systems will  benefit us.

In addition, I truly believe we have the power to change the negative energy this virus is causing.  Science shows us that there is power in group visualization and meditation.  Whether you have experienced this or not and whether you believe it or not, what do you and we have to lose?

Each “dayish”  I am going to send a quick message/lesson taken from things I have learned through teaching yoga and meditation for stress relief, anxiety, depression and daily life. This will be followed by a simple suggested practice for the day to help integrate that lesson.


Today’s Suggested Practice

I suggest that you do this practice as often as you would like and/or every time you find yourself being sucked into the scary repeated conversations and news of this situation.  If you have 1 minute, do it for 1 minute.  If you have 5, do it for 5. There is NO wrong way to do it.  

Visualize yourself standing on the moon.  From this vantage point you can see the whole, beautiful blue earth.  Inhale into your nose a vibrant emerald green healing light and let it pour into your entire being.   Then exhale that light out of your mouth to encapsulate the entire earth and all of humanity.  Repeat.


Acknowledging Fears


Life Lessons from my Granddaughter