


Gently moving, breathing and honoring your unique needs.



Gathering and connecting to know each other, ourselves and the Universe.



Exploring meditations to usher in acceptance and inner peace.



Unifying body, heart, mind and spirit through intention, awareness and visualization.

The Tree of Life

Original Artwork by Lizzie Tucker of LA Mosaics

Original Artwork by Lizzie Tucker of LA Mosaics

The Tree of Life is a mystical symbol that represents the inner workings of the Universe.  It has been the foundation of many traditions throughout history. In the mystical Jewish/Kaballah tradition, there are the four worlds of body, heart, mind and spirit within the Tree.  In the Native American tradition, the Tree contains the four spiritual directions of north, south, east and west.  Within the Tree, and represented by the four arms of the celtic cross are nature, wisdom, God/Goddess and self.  The four-part sound of the Universe that many chant in the Hindu and yogic tradition, A, U, M and silence can also be found in the Tree. All of these four world traditions as well as many others are merged as one in the Tree of Life.

The Tree of Life is a breathing, interacting, living system that can help bring our  Body, Heart, Mind and Spirit into alignment. It is our gateway into the realization that we each have a unique expression of the Divine within us.  No matter the color of our skin, spiritual beliefs, sexual orientation, the political party we belong to or our socio-economic situation, we are unified as living beings within The Tree of Life. Yoga, meditation and other spiritual practices can strengthen our alignment within the Tree of Life to become the best version of our unique selves.