RE-Imagining in Springtime

April 30, 2020

Who has been grateful for this springtime?  Who has noticed the buds on the trees and the tulips and other flowers pushing up through the ground?  Who has noticed grass turning green again and birds making nests?  What about the bees that have found the flowers?  

What I find fascinating about this time of year is that without fail this springtime emergence happens.  No matter how harsh or easy the winter has been, there is a reemergence.  No matter how dead the trees and plants looked in the winter, there is a rebrith.  The soil is once again rejuvenated with nutrients and worms and bugs...doing their thing.  And now ask yourself.  Did you ever question whether we would see that reemergence, rebirth or rejuvenation?  Of course not.  We have learned by watching this pattern over and over again that it IS going to happen.  We have full faith and trust and we don’t doubt that the spring will arrive !   

These last couple of months have been like a winter.  This pandemic has put us in a cold, scary, uncertain and unpredictable life.  And yet...can we choose to experience this from a place of faith and trust that there WILL be a springtime?   Can we believe that the reflowering of our lives is not only possible but that it WILL happen?  Of course, it may not look exactly the same as it was before but maybe that’s okay.  After all,  every flower, plant and tree looks a little different from year to year; and yet they are still beautiful.

We have been given an unexpected opportunity to really work with  the prefix “re.”   

What does “re,” mean?  It means “again...or going back to.”  Have you spent time rebooting?  Have you been taking this opportunity to become reacquainted with yourself or others?  Have you been able to request help if you needed it?  Have you found yourself reaccessing your priorities?  What about reimagining what you REALLY want in your life?  Have you noticed yourself recognizing the global humanity in all of us regardless of our color, age, political party, sexual orientation, gender or religion?  We are ALL affected by this pandemic in one way or another.  

As we are forced to be inside, can we really go inside and reconnect to our higher self, our highest self, our trusting self, our knowing self?  She or he is there just waiting to resurface after being covered over with our fear and self-doubt and restrictions.  Enjoy your reemergence.  Enjoy your reawakening. 


Today’s Suggested Practice

Take one of these “re,” words that resonates with you and spend some time contemplating it.  Maybe this can happen on a walk or a hike or in a journal or in a conversation.  Below you will find some questions that might help you get started.

What do I need to help me reboot or rejuvenate?  

What truly are my priorities?  What is truly important for me?  Do I need to reaccess these?

A wise woman once taught me that a complaint is nothing more than a request.  What request do I have for someone?

If I could reimagine one small or big thing in my life, what would it look like?  Is it possible?  What would the first steps be?

What part of yourself would you like to become reacquainted with?

When I begin to go back out into the world, what do I want my reemergence to look like?

I REally REcommend REsting in your REalizations :)



Take A Break!


The Scales of Balanced Energy